Life of Lead
Miguel Lee
Joanna Hwang
Jehee Lee
Firm | Confident | Evolution | Passion | Evolution
Small things matter. They have their own story.
This is an abstract narrative of a chunk of graphite becoming a lead pencil.
Lead is easily broken and thrown away. In life people neglect small miscellaneous things, but small things have their own purpose in existence. Through this narrative we really wanted to appreciate small things and moments in life that we don't really pay attention.
The story begins with a chunk of graphite, which goes through different obstacles and challenges. These frames not only show the steps of how it is made, but it communicates the idea of how something becomes greater through the process. The chunk of graphite is personified as the metaphor of our life to communicate the struggle of growth and evolution. At the end we reveal the sharpened graphite that becomes a pencil drawing a fine line.